We took her out!!

From: Tom Bakko <ddac69@...>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 18:45:52 -0700

Well, we took the new "69" Sportsman out today & she worked like a dream. It unloaded so smooth & easy it kinda brought a tear to my eye. Speaking of eyes, there were a lot of people eyeballing our baby. She fired up and idled as good as any new boat out there and better than most. As we slipped away from the launch and out into the lake I gently persuaded her to pick up a little more speed, which she did with very little effort. The little 155hp V6 Just purred, & you could tell she wanted to stretch her legs, so away we went. I gave her full throttle and she responded by setting us back in the seats as she jumped up to a plane &topped out at about 4400 rpm (speedo not working) I eased back on the throttle and let her settle down at about 3600 rpm & just cruised. My wife and I were both smiling as we cruised around for about 3 hours in the 80 degree sunfilled glorious Pacific Northwest weather. All good things must come to an end however & we needed to get home. We pulled back into the launch area & loaded the boat without a hitch & went home. My wife and I are so pleased with our purchase & can't wait to take her out on a camping fishing trip (in about 2 weeks) :).
Well that's about it for now, but you can bet I will be letting you all know how the fishing trip goes, maybe some action pictures will be in order. Bye for now

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2001

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