Re: [omc-boats] fuel filters

From: Glenn Halweg <glennhalweg@...>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:54:59 -0500

Speaking of blower vents I've never trusted one to adequately vent the engine compartment. After seeing someone else's boat blow up with a lady sitting on the engine compartment. (3rd degree burns, skin grafts) I always open the engine compartment and sniff around for leaks. I also start the engine with the compartment open.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: David
  To: omc-boats@...
  Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 2:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [omc-boats] fuel filters

  While on the subject of fuel - having owned over 15 OMC's and having put in more running hours than I can remember - I have had just about everything happen. Over the years I have had two boats explode - one due to a pump leak and the other due to a rupture in the flexible fuel line - in each case gas leaked into the engine compartment - the one thing you learn from this is that using the blower to vent the engine compartment is a bunch of crap - all that does when you have a gas leak is to bring in lots of oxygen to really improve the explosion! So, the lesson is to carefully, and regularly check the entire fuel system - I now replace all the old flexible lines right away - Oh, and fire extinguishers work great - in each case I was able to quickly extinguish the fire and very little damage occurred - so now I don't get in a boat without making sure extinguishers are on board. Dave
  Glenn Halweg wrote:

    Hello Group! Anybody tried running their GM V-8 without the fuel pump fuel filter? I can't find anyone local that stocks the ac 381690 filter. Various places online have it for about $4 but shipping is $5 or more. I'm thinking of putting an inline fuel filter in and leaving the filter out of the bowl. Will this cause any problems? Glenn

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