Time to bury that hatchet! Been working on Rogue #2 (69 Evinrude Rogue 210). Starting to remove some of the body work to get to the floor which will need replacing most likely. The wood in the front bilge is soft (ie rot). Just an observation here - I have wanted to remove the box thingies that the top or canopy struts mount to on the sides of the boat. They are maybe cast aluminum covered in an epoxy like substance that tends to flake off. They each have 2 large stainless bolts holding the struts to the box and the struts swing as the top is lifted. Anyway those bolts will not budge. I have 2 boats each with 4 of those bolts and I have only been able to get one bolt out. I've tried impact hammer and all the liquid bolt removers. I wrung 2 bolts off in order to get one of the boxes off. The boxes are mounted to the sides with 4 bolts with lock nuts accessable inside the hull but the bolt heads are not anchored and turn inside the box so you can' get the boxes off till you remove the 2 bolts and the flat facing plate. The bolts go well into the threads of the box and the extra bolt length outside the box allows them to torque and wring off. I am now in the process of trying to get one of the wrung off bolts out using a torch without ruining the aluminum casting. It has been one of the toughest jobs. May have to drill - not looking forward to stainless drilling. Anyway I am just throwing this out as I am sure there are others wondering what's inside that contraption. Lee Schuster I have a question for you - I have looked for the answer to this for years. On the upper middle intermediate housing outside there is a bolt hole that mates with the rubber bumper on the stern drive cap. I had threads of a broken bolt in the hole. What was mounted there - some type of bumper or bolt to stop the sterndrive bumper? Just curious. One last comment - will the gods that made those foam seats come back and make me a new set. How did we ever let stuff like that get away I'll never know. TK
Received on Monday, 4 May 2009
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