The tilt motor in the 69 Rogue and Sportsman is a Prestolite ETK-402. It is covered well in the Seloc manual. You see them cheap and often on ebay. Make sure you get one from a reputable seller. I have seen some good and bad ones one ebay. New ones can be had online for around $100 and on up.
Anybody in the plastic molding business out there? The insignia on the boat sides are pretty much toast and I NEVER see them on ebay. You know what I am talking about. Those red and blue flags next to the Evinrude inscription. Mine on the Rogue and Sportsman are cracked and shriveled up. Wonder what it would take to get them made. They are complicated having a plastic base with 4 plastic prongs held in place with a clip and a little rubber washer. The color comes from paint or silk screen I think. Any body out there with any ideas on that? Also need to find an aluminum extruder to remanufacture the rub rails. That will be tough as they come in one piece per side meaning they would be very long and hard to ship if available. Just a wild thought. Tom
Received on Sunday, 8 July 2012
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