Ok, so I finally my OMC single lever controls for my 68 Sportsman which currently has push button controls. Since it's a 68 it doesn't have neutral lockout, and since I'm dense, I didn't save any of the emails talking about doing the conversion. Can I reuse my old throttle cable? The controls I got had the old cable cut so only a little bit was left, I've since removed it. I've taken a few pics with it broken down to show the parts. The brass rod with the threaded end, that's part of the control box not the cable, right? Hopefully you can see by the pics. I would figure all I'd have to do is attach my own cable, but since I've never changed one over, I don't really know. Also, how do I incoporate the safetly lockout? This box is late style five wire, and the lock button on the top of it actually locks you out of both forward and reverse. My 70 Seasport did not. Any ideas?
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